藤田医科大学との共同研究の論文「Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment」がeLife誌にアクセプトされました
藤田医科大学との共同研究の論文「Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment」がeLife誌にアクセプトされました
藤田医科大学との共同研究の論文「Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment」がeLife誌にアクセプトされました